— Into Latour, Fien Veldman [EN]
— Filosoof Bruno Latour: ‘We moeten ons leven veranderen, de aarde kan onze last niet meer dragen’, Volkskrant, Pieter Giesen, 12 januari 2018 [NL]
— Waiting for Gaia. Composing the common world through arts and politics_Bruno Latour, a lecture at the French Institute, London, November 2011
— We don’t seem to live on the same planet_Bruno Latour —A Fictional Planetarium. Catalog Beyond the Horizon: Designs for Different Futures, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2019
— Jaarpublicatie Ambassade van de Noordzee, Luisteren naar de zee, maart 2020 [NL]
— Mini-lezing door prof dr ir PPCC Verbeek (Universiteit Twente) over Bruno Latour
— De wereld als composthoop (Lyda Baan Hofman), in Wijsgerig perspectief 01-2020
Recent interventions related to Covid-19 by Bruno Latour
— ‘Is This a Dress Rehearsal?’, Bruno Latour, March 26 2020 [EN]
— ‘Voor Bruno Latour is de coronacrisis de opmaat voor de klimaatcrisis’, De Groene Amsterdammer, 6 april 2020 [NL]
Latour, B. (2017) Facing Gaia. Eight Lectures on the New Climatic Regime, Cambridge, Polity Press.
Latour, B. (2018) Down to Earth: Politics in the New Climate Regine, Cambridge, Polity Press.
Lowenhaupt Tsing. (2015) The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins, Princeton: Princeton University Press.