European Maritime Day Ocean Literacy and Soft Power

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The Embassy of the North Sea is one of the participants of the European Maritime Day, 20 & 21 May 2021.

European Maritime Day this year is going virtual from Den Helder. The plenary sessions and the pitch stages of EMD 2021 are broadcasted from Den Helder “EMD studio”, where moderators and key speakers are connected remotely with other speakers.

Established in 2008, European Maritime Day (EMD) is the annual EU meeting point on maritime affairs and sustainable blue growth, and the place where ‘Ocean Leaders Meet’ as the slogan goes. It is also a public event reaching out to young people and citizens across Europe.

The Embassy of The North Sea is part of the program ‘Ocean Literacy and Soft Power’,

Organised by ‘Ministry of Storytelling’ -NGO, City of Den Helder and Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of The Netherlands)

Moderator: Eelco Koolhaas, Chief Story Teller, Ministry of Storytelling (NGO)


Harpo ’t Hart  (Embassy of the North Sea)

Tim Haasnoot (Director, Catching the Potential -ProSea)

Erwin Coolen (Director, ECHT, de Rijke Noordzee & Dutch Wave Makers – SDG Nederland – life below water Alliance)

Intermezzo – Yanaika, City Poet of Den Helder

Wietske Wijnant (Director, Blue School Den Helder Jac P Thijsse)

Mark Frederiks (Local2local short sustainable food chains – Amped)

Bruno Doedens (land artist – Dancing with Nature)